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Information about the New Application Procedures at STIE IEU Surabaya

STIE IEU Surabaya provides opportunities for new students to apply for the Undergraduate Program (S1) in Accounting & Management majors as well as the Postgraduate Program (S2) in Management major. Prospective applicants who are considering STIE IEU Surabaya should fulfill the following checklist:


  1. Graduated from high school / vocational schools / or religion-based academy (e.g. MA)
  2. Legalized Senior High School diploma certificate or letter of declaration as diploma such as SKL (3 copies).
  3. Family Registers/KK (3 copies)
  4. Birth Certificate (2 copies)
  5. Citizenship ID Card / Student Card (2 copies)
  6. Legal passport (the entire page of identification) only for international/overseas students (1 copy)
  7. 4 sheets of 4 x 6 colorized photographs
  8. 4 sheets of 3 x 4 colorized photographs
  9. Filling out the Application Form
  10. Registration time: weekday only, every Monday until Friday (8 am – 3 pm) or online registration (click here)


  1. Legalized Undergraduate diploma certificate and grade transcript (3 copies).
  2. Family Registers/KK (3 copies)
  3. Birth Certificate (2 copies)
  4. Citizenship ID Card (2 copies)
  5. Legal passport (the entire page of identification) only for international/overseas students (1 copy)
  6. 4 sheets of 4 x 6 colorized photographs
  7. 4 sheets of 3 x 4 colorized photographs
  8. Filling out the Application Form
  9. Registration time: weekday only, every Monday until Friday (8 am – 3 pm) or online registration (click here)

For further information, please kindly notify us through the following access :

Telp.(031) 566 5654, 561 9577
Fax.(031) 566 5933
Mobile/WhatsApp : 0853 3456 1898
Email :

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